one year on…

Hi all welcome back to my blog I hope everyone is doing well and staying safe, as I’m writing this on the 6th of February it’s my first anniversary being cancer-free, I had my first surgery this day last year to remove my tumor and it’s been quite a year, I had a lot I wanted to do and get back to but covid put a stop to that we’ve pretty much-been lockdown for the most part. I‘ll be honest when we went into lockdown I was between surgeries and my life was put on hold indefinitely so it was nice to see the world slow down too, as selfish as that might sound it made me feel less isolated at the time.
Making one year without any cancer returning is a pretty big deal for me before I was treated all I could focus on was having it removed, and once it’s gone it’s gone, and I could just move on and forget it but it didnt go that way and when I eventually got cleared I hadn’t anticipated the post-cancer anxiety, when the doctors go away and your not being monitored closely that worry of ” how will I know if it comes back”, “how will I catch it early again”, ” how do I prevent it”, it’s scary and the answer is you don’t know and you can prevent it, you just have to learn to move on and hope for the best.
Cancer and covid coming at the same time took a lot from me & pretty much turned my life upside down but the advantage of a cancer diagnosis is you realize everything around you all the material thing its all replaceable but your not. All the things you revolve around mean nothing when your life and the possibility of losing it are in question it puts everything in perspective. What was important before isn’t now, what I thought I needed I don’t anymore, there’s more to life that you don’t see or take the time to acknowledge till it’s taken from you. What I’ve gained is a broader perspective on life for sure and that’s priceless.
Thank you so much for checking out my blog I really appreciate it and I hope you’re enjoying the content, leave me comments and let me know what you think. If you would like blog updates please subscribe. xx Paula xx