DIY Acne fighting face mask!!đź‘Š

Hi all welcome back to my blog I hope everyone is doing well and staying safe, today I wanted to add to my DIY skincare series, I found some amazing recipes for face masks that iv been using in lockdown when you can’t get to a spa or can’t buy your favorite skin masks. These are all-natural ingredients most people will have in their cupboards that are great for your skin so you can pamper yourself at home, it’s so important to make time for some self-care especially in these lockdown times!!

This mask is for fighting acne brakeouts, it contains just three ingrediants:

  • 1 tsp lemon
  • 1 tbsp honey
  • 1 tsp baking powder

You just mix these all together till combined and leave on your face for 15 minutes then rinse with warm water and pat dry,

The baking powder is an anti inflammatory, the lemon is an exfoliant and the honey is soothing for the skin.

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