Flaxseed Gel mask !!

IMG_9505Hi, all welcome back to my blog I hope everyone is having a great week. I’ve been trying some new natural skin treatments that are homemade and iv heard great things about. I’ve come across a lot of great recipes for face treatment that people are raving about that I would love to share with you. Iv been seeing great results from these homemade treatments and it’s not costing me a fortune on expensive products or expense spa treatments, its homemade with natural ingredients.

The treatment I wanna talk about today is the flaxseed gel face mask! I really love this mask, flaxseeds have huge benefits for your skin, they contain omega 3 acids, anti-inflammatory properties, and antioxidants. This gel mask leaves the skin hydrated and moisturized. It also helps to heal skin imperfections, prevents skin damage and tightens loose skin. I have seen a huge difference after using this gel and I found it really easy to make, I like that it’s homemade I know exactly what’s going onto my skin. I’m going to go through everything below and how to use it below I how you enjoy and try it yourself.

You need:

  •  2 cups water
  • ½ bowl of flaxseeds

Place the water and flaxseeds into a pot and put on medium heat and bring it to a boil, stirring with a wooden spoon. You will notice a white foam appearing on top of the water, keep stirring and lower the heat to simmer till the white foam resembles an egg white color. Next, take off the heat and let it cool completely, you can store this and use for up to a month.

You can use a flat makeup brush or your fingers to apply the gel to the skin, ( you can leave the flaxseeds in the gel of removed them, I left them in).

Apply and leave on skin for 10-20 minutes use a warm damp cloth to remove the gel then rinse your face with warm water and pat dry.

Thank you so much for checking out my blog I really appreciate it and I hope you’re enjoying the content, leave me comments and let me know what you think. If you would like blog updates please subscribe. xx Paula xx




