Social media, mental health & cancel culture

Iv always wrote about mental health on this blog, its one of the main topics I like to talk about openly iv always felt the more we share and tell our stories its breaks the stigma surrounding mental health, I’ve shared all of my personal experiences on here and I want to continue today.
I use social media a lot I see the good and bad side to it, it’s why I actively take breaks from it and reduce the amount of time I spend on it daily. It can be so dangerous for people who are suffering from mental health issues. it’s made me re-think and analyze every post iv made, my mindset, and the possible effects they’ve had on people.
You can put a negative post up and it’s almost like the first strike to the nail of a coffin and next the rest of the social media world from behind a screen come in for the kill with their comments and hammer the nail away, its a window to destroy somebody. It’s a power you have with the click of a button and what people don’t realize is the silence on the other end is a person drowning and those words are turning into punches that nobody deserves. nobody deserves to feel like their life isn’t worth living.
Iv have too many mornings this year where I’ve opened my phone and seen “rip”.. another young person has made the decision to end their life. I’ve personally been at the point where I felt I’m not meant for this world, I wasn’t strong enough so I know that last desperate pain. it breaks my heart. It brings all those feeling back.
It’s a controversial topic but I don’t like or believe it the cancel culture that I see, it gives way to people who just want to cause harm to others for their own benefit. being attacked with word leave more scars than any physical attack will. I never want to be a factor in someone’s demise, I couldn’t live with myself. you can show support without spreading hate.
Thank you so much for reading this post and following my journey I really appreciate it. leave me comments and let me know what you think. xx