Remission vs N.E.D

Hi, all welcome back to my blog I hope everyone is having a great week and staying safe, IMG_9505there’s a little bit hope with the lockdown restrictions being eased slightly which is a little scary for me with my immune system being low I can’t risk catching anything so ill be staying close to home for now.

This is my post-surgery update, I’m two weeks post-surgery writing this and I feel like im back to my normal self, I started to do a little light cardio after week one which was tough but I did feel good after. Its a little hard to be motivated at times, I when from feeling really strong I was making great progress since my last surgery, and then I was back to square one again so I really had to push myself forward.

My surgery went really well, my doctors seem happy, it did take longer then I expected and I had more incisions then expected too but they did what was best for me. The recovery was harder than the last, I had a lot of chest pain from the gas they put into your body during the procedure, it lasted for 4-5 days, I don’t remember it being that bad the last time I stayed in bed for most of the time. A good tip I got was to lay straight on my back cause it reduced the sharp pains.

Now its the wait for biopsy results, I already know there really isn’t a way to tell if someone is cancer-free. The terms used are N.E.D or complete remission which both mean no evidence of disease found which is what I’m hoping for. the other is remission which means signs and symptoms are gone but could return. It does depend on the type of cancer.

I’m hoping for a N.E.D result I know nothing is promised, they can’t be 100%  because cancers unpredictable but I’m staying positive. I will say I’m not as confident as I was after my last surgery, I was fully expecting a clean bill of health so my stomach did drop to my feet when I got that call. ill say I’m better prepared.

I’m not going to sit around worrying about what might or might not happen cause there’s no point. Iv learned you always have to look on the bright side, focus on the positive that has come out of the situation there is no point on dwelling or feeling sorry for yourself, it happened, its over, you have to keep moving forward.

There are so many things in life over the last few years that I look back on and wish I had approached differently or handled differently, things I wish I had of done but didnt, the Big C word put everything into perspective, it’s been a blessing and a curse at the same time.

You might sit around thinking your world revolves around one thing, and nothing else matters until your life is hanging in the balance. It might sound strange but cancer has put life into perspective and not just for me but for people close to me.

Thank you so much for checking out my blog I really appreciate it and I hope your enjoying the content, leave me comments and let me know what you think if you would like blog updates please subscribe.xx Paula xx

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Post Surgery Fitness Journey