Post Surgery Fitness Journey

Hi, all welcome back to my blog I hope your week is going well and you’re staying safe. I’ve IMG_9505been wanting to write this post for the past 2 weeks now iv finally found a workout/ training plan that is actually working for me. My body has changed a lot since surgery, I didnt gain a lot of weight per say but I’m a lot weaker, my body and my immune system have been through a lot and its a lot harder to come back from than I anticipated. Its really hard to stay motivated when you feel like your just not moving forward.

So my first few weeks post-surgery training wasn’t great, I didn’t feel I was challenging my body. I’m 14 weeks post-surgery now and it’s been 8 weeks since I got cleared to start training again and basically, the first four weeks was like banging my head against a wall, what worked before wasn’t working for me now. My post-surgery goal was to get my cardio back and strengthen my core, I had open surgery so my lower abdominal muscles are really weak and it’s hard coming back from that.

So thankful I was put out of my misery and I had access to an online seminar with a personal trainer where I got a lot of advice on home workouts, strength training, and nutrition, and most important I got great tips on strengthening my core. So I started trying some new training methods, I found I work really well with a set time, so I do a lot of 12-15 minute AMRAP ( as many reps as possible) I was able to push my self really hard, I do  3-4 exercises per round and I tried to incorporate exercises to build my strength and cardio back up, so burpee, squats, mountain climbs, kettlebell swings, barbell squats, v- ups, dead bugs, etc. I could tell I was shocking my body again, I could feel that post-workout burn again, it’s a good feeling. I also started lifting again, I start with 10kg and build up to 22kg in 2week which I was pretty happy with, I do sets & reps of deadlifts, barbell squat & front squat, its all a working progress I have goals for all my training now that I’m working toward. 

when it comes to my core strengthening I do the CrossFit 21-15-9 rep scheme, its a lot of dead bugs, v-ups, leg-lifts, and hollow rocks some of these are new to me, I definitely feel my core is getting stronger, I can see a big difference in the past 3-4 weeks I’m making a lot of progress and once you start seeing it, it’s really motivating.

I did have a plan to get to a certain point before my next surgery that was scheduled for mid-June but things have changed and I’m now 3 days away from surgery because my doctor moved it forward. I know I should be very grateful because a lot of people out there have had treatments canceled or postponed, I do know how lucky I am but I can’t help feeling deflated, I don’t know how I will make a start back or how far back it will put me but hopefully, everything goes to plan and ill be back on track very soon.

Thank you so much for checking out my blog I really appreciate it and I hope you’re enjoying the content. Leave me comments and let me know what you think and if you want more details of my workouts to leave comments. I’ll attach trainers links below. If you would like blog updates please subscribe. xx Paula xx

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