From me to you…..
Hi, all welcome back to my blog, This is just a quick note I wanted to share with you its quite a random thing but bair with me. I was going through my phone this evening and came across some pictures i took over the last few days. Iv had quite an emotional week, I lost a family member which is tough, for everyone, this whole situation has been very overwhelming and brought up a lot of anxiety for me. I know a lot of people can relate to that when a situation is out of your hands.
Over the last few years, iv found ways o help myself in these situations and its something I do unconsciously. If you read my stories you’ll know running and exercise that relaxes me, but I also have my go to places. I have a certain place that I go to where I can set and take a deep breath and clear my mind, this has been a godsend this week when your in an emotional situation that’s out of your control it can get very overwhelming, you can almost feel claustrophobic.
I realized the importance and benefit I get from this after looking through the pictures I took, it’s calming just to look at. It’s just another option for people in a similar situation or suffering anxiety, take a walk, find that calming place, take yourself out of the situation.
Thank you so much for reading this post I really appreciate it, I know its quite random but I felt it could help someone so I wanted to put it out there, leave me comments and let me know what you think. if you would like blog updates please subscribe.xx Paula xx