Mindfulness therapy


Hi all welcome back to my blog, I hope everyone is having a great week, Welcome back to my mental health awareness series. I’ve been doing a lot of research the last few weeks and iv really been really enjoying looking into all the different treatment and therapies out there, some iv never hear of but I think I could have benefited from in the past its amazing. the thing i love about putting together this series is that I know i’m spreading awareness but I’m also learning so much and I’m gaining more tool I can use to stay healthy which is amazing! 

This week I’m going to focus on mindfulness therapy, Mindfulness therapy helps change the way you think and feel about experiences- especially stressful experiences or events that cause anxiety. Iv been looking into “mindfulness exercises” these are ways/techniques that help you focus on the present rather than stressing or being anxious about what has happened in the past or what has yet to occur. Meditation, breathing exercises or yoga are some mindfulness practices to relax your mind and body that will help reduce stress. 

This treatment makes you more aware of your thoughts and feelings, also the in-body sensations that you experience so that you can better manage them rather than becoming anxious or overwhelmed. focusing on the present moment counteracts rumination and worry. Mindfulness therapy helps reduce anxiety and depression.The idea is to Focus on the here and now.

Thank you so much for checking out my blog I really appreciate it and I hope you’re enjoying the content,This is a short summery of mindfulness therapy and what the aim is and the long term benifit, i would call this kind of therapy a tool that you can use through out your life. if you would like me to go into more details about mindefulness exercises leave me comments and let me know. If you would like blog updates please subscribe. xx Paula xx
