makeup fail story- eyeshadows burned my eyes!

Hi all welcome back to my blog I hope everyone is doing well and staying safe, iv been doing a lot of writing & reviewing beauty products, and this passed experience popped into my head why’ll writing that I just had to share with you, with it being Christmas season everyone is going to be giving and receiving beauty sets & products. This is a cautionary tale for everyone lol.
This was a few years ago I was gifted a makeup set at Christmas that was a must-have from boots that particular year it was sold out everywhere everyone I knew was raving about this front cover makeup set, it was a full beauty set that came with everything, so I was really chuffed and surprised when I received it that year and was so excited to try it out.
There were a few choices of color pallets to choose from I think there were 3 or 4 available I got the smokey eye one that had black and grey shades which were really popular at the time, so a few days after Christmas I decided to try it out so I prepped my skin like usually and my eyes and I lay down the first dark eye color with a small brush just to place the color not blend and I started to feel my eyelids tingle a little. I started to try to blend it out (it didnt blend very well) the more I moved the color shadow over my lid I felt it burning! I straight away grabbed a wipe to remove it, it was really painful to touch my lid and it was a dark shade so it stained my eyelids I had to keep a wet cloth on my eyes they were on fire, my eyelids were red raw and were like that for a few days and really sensitive to touch, it was my worst experience with makeup and put my of those kinds of sets for life unless I know the makeup brand.
I dont know if it was just my eyes were very sensitive or I was allergic to something in the product I don’t know I just had to the worst reaction.
So that’s my horror story I just wanted to share as a cautionary tale, always do a patch test if you can before so you don’t get left in my situation.
Thank you for checking out my blog I really appreciate it and I hope you’re enjoying the content, leave me comments and let me know what you think if there is anything you would like me to cover or a product you would like me to review please let me know in the comments. If you would like blog updates please subscribe. xx Paula xx