Chemical Peel Fail!

Hi, all welcome back to my blog I hope everyone is staying safe and having a great week, I did a post a while back talking about my love for a home chemical peel that I tried that changed my life! the results were so good at the beginner level which is a low percentage acid peel that I decided to do another treatment, these treatments last a few weeks because you do one peel every 7-10 days to give your skin time to recover.
This time I when with another brand the main reason for changing was I couldn’t at the time get the original brand delivered to Ireland so I had to do research again to find another one.
I decided to go with the brand Skinfab, the reason being was all the reviews were so good people had a positive experience and positive results so I was sold, this is the reason I like to be brutally honest when I try something because I do not want people wasting money when I have a platform to guide you in a better direction!
The kit I got contained 3 products first you have the peel that is 20% mandelic acid, the second is a neutralizing gel that you apply on to your face to neutralize the acid before you rinse your face and the last product is the aftercare lotion that moisturizes and soothes the skin post-peel and its also a sunscreen which is really important when using harsh products like this to protect your skin from the sun.

so I started the treatment applying the acid peel to my face as directed the directions state don’t leave on longer then 8 minutes at a time and if it’s your first time using a chemical peel go for 1-2 minutes to begin, I had been through a whole treatment before so I did the 8 minutes, the first thing I noticed when I applied the peel was there was no tingling or burning feeling which is to be expected at @ 20% peel but I didn’t feel anything I did the other steps I neutralized the acid and did the aftercare but really I didn’t see or feel a difference in my skin, after the reviews I read and the last product I used I was extremely disappointed I expected more. I did two more treatments leave the 8 days in between peels like directed but really it didn’t do anything for my was a fail for me.
To sum up, this isn’t something I would recommend to you, I have been able to find the original peel by plant Eden in a 25% peel that is being shipped to me so when it arrived I let you know how that one goes, ill leave a link below to the first review below if you want to check it out. This product for me wasn’t worth the money.
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