Tumor vs Cyst ….my Story pt1
Hi, all welcome back to my blog I hope everyone is having a great week. Its been a few weeks since my last post and as you can tell from the title it’s the follow up to that. I’ve had surgery and I’m at home recovering I just wanted to tell you the whole story, I know my last post was a little vague because I still didn’t have all the details, I was waiting on more results and waiting on doctor to make decisions for me which isn’t easy but I’m at the other end and I was in the best of hands. Some times you have to give up control and put your trust in others.
I’m going to do this in two parts it been quite hard to write so it’s what’s easier for me, I hope people can take the positive from my story, I know it may sound weird its not a nice story but how you handle situations and react can make all the difference. Being proactive when it comes to your health and listening to what your bodies telling you is so important and it was for me.
So my story starts late October— the start of November last year when I noticed my lower abdomen was a little raise/ swollen and it felt solid, I put it down to working out too much, I thought maybe my muscles were swollen, I wasn’t in pain at this point it was how I looked that was bothering me.
About two weeks after I was noticing it was a little bigger, now I have a very flat stomach so it’s really noticeable and it solid and slightly raised more on one side so I was getting more worried and anxious about it so the first step was making a doctors appointment, there was no ignoring it anymore.
I when to see my doctor who examing me and she reassured me that there are so many explanations for it that are easily treated and nothing sinister which was what I wanted to hear. Dietary allergies, digestion inflammation, and stomach inflammation are all things that could cause these kinds of swelling. Just to be safe she made me an appointment to have an ultrasound done. There have been so many ups and downs throughout this process and this was the first one, I came away thinking this is nothing, I overreacted.

So I when home feeling pretty positive and reassured that this could be nothing. When I got home I when online like I always do and I research everything I had just discussed with my doctor, from there I completely changed my diet, I when dairy-free, gluten-free and meat-free, I changed to an anti-inflammatory diet, I took probiotics every day, wheatgrass shots twice a day, I did everything to heal a possible inflammation of my gut or digestive system that can cause these symptoms. being so proactive felt like I was doing something. I would have gone crazy just waiting on this appointment. Unfortunately, it didn’t do any good, by early January it swelling was a lot worse, it was hard to lay on my back I was in pain it was hard to breathe, I would randomly had sharp pains in my sides that would take my breath away. Even with all of this, I was still trying to work out as much as I could and my diet meant I lost weight so I had these tiny legs and arms and I had to cover my midsection with a sweater so nobody would notice this huge bump I was so embarrassed, I when to bed every night hoping the supplements and food I was putting into my body were going to heal it and it didnt.
I got to a point where it was hard to breathe when I walked and I was so drained physically, constantly feeling like iv just ran a marathon, my body was weak and it shouldn’t have been.
So I got up the day before my mother’s 70th birthday and decided I’m going to go to the emergency room, there wasn’t anything else I could do and I couldn’t physically or mentally get through another day. Deciding to go felt like a relief cause I though, either way, it’s over today, it’s out of my hands now.
I when into the emergency room around 9am in the morning and was assessed by a nurse after about 10 minutes, then I bypassed the emergency department and was sent to see the surgical team. This was the first time I really looked at “the bump” as I would call it, I would feel it so I knew how big it was but I avoided looking at it, I just couldn’t look, it felt like it wasn’t my own body so when I had to lay down for the surgeon to examine me, looking down at it for the first time at that angle it looked so much bigger than it ever felt and my anxiety just kicked in.
The surgeons were very positive and reassuring, just like my doctor, they just need to have an ultrasound to have a better look. So I sat with a drip in my arm for around an hour to fill my abdominal with fluid so the ultrasound would be clearer.it felt like forever but by 1pm I was ready for my ultrasound. This was where I felt the wind get knocked out of me, iv never had an ultrasound before, the doctor was very nice but not easy to read, her expression didn’t change at all, I could tell she was seeing something but could tell how bad it was until about 6 minutes in the stop and told me she needs to have a closer look so she needed to do and internal ultrasound and without changing expression she had a nurse help me change and gown up, that was the moment I thought “IM FUCKED” this isn’t going to be good. I started thinking the worse and kicking myself for not going to the a&e sooner, I let whatever this is grow.
To Be Continued.
Thank you so much for reading this part of my story ill be adding part 2 soon.xx