A little piece of me pt2
Hi all welcome back to my blog, I hope everyone is having a great week. I wanted to write another personal post, another “get to know me piece”. I’ve done one before about my favorite childhood memory which you really liked so this one is about “my favorite place and why”.I feel these are all good ways to get to know me and for me writes these post I see how very family oriented I am. When you have to sit down and dig into your past its the little everyday things that make the biggest impact. Hugh parties or presents at Christmas don’t hold memories for me but a person’s presence or absence in everyday life really does and leaves an effect. Its an interesting process doing this I would recommend it. Iv had family members read my last post and be like ” how did you remember that so clearly” because it was an everyday thing but it made a huge impact on me. I also noticed my dad features heavily in all of these stories because I was basically his shade/stalker as a child! lol
My favorite place in the world is also my favorite place from my childhood and that’s Wexford in Ireland. From our lady’s island to cairne beach, is a small place with old country roads it really hasn’t changed much over the years which I love. I would spend my summers there I loved it. When I was small my parents would take myself and my two siblings camping every year. I when on my very first camping trip and 6 months old!! I would spend whole summers by the beach which is probably why I love being by the water! lol, I would spend my time horse riding, playing crazy golf and swimming in the ocean, it was heaven. My home away from home.
Our lady’s island is my favorite spot, its a pretty outdoor church surrounded by a lake, there’s a beautiful pate way so you can walk around the church and the island and there are places you can sit by the lake and listen to the mass service outside over speakers on sunny days if you prefer. I have memories of my dad taking me to mass on a Sunday morning and we would walk around the island by the lake and listen and I got to play by the water which made going to mass more fun! lol, Its why I love the outdoors, how your raised shapes you, everything I did there and loved I still do to this day. I’ve added some old pictures from our travels, my favorite ones.

Thank you so much for checking out this blog I really appreciate it, I hope you’re enjoying the content, leave me comments and let me know what you think. If you would like blog updates please subscribe. xx Paula xx