When in doubt………. be kind
Hi all, Welcome back to my blog. When I started writing this post I must have written about 20 drafted before deciding I need to sit back and write a checklist, to make sure I don’t leave anything out that I feel is important. I choose certain topics to write about because they’re important to me, I’m passionate about spreading awareness in a positive way & iv been affected by it personally. I want to share my experiences of dealing with it managing and overcoming.
I want to inform the uninformed. I want to support who are dealing with this daily. It’s my way of finding a positive in a negative situation. Every struggle that you overcome makes you a stronger person.
Thousands of people suffer from / struggle with anxiety and or social anxiety, its extremely common and a lot of people suffer in silence afraid of being judged.
So let’s answer some important questions:
What is anxiety? social anxiety? How does it feel? what are the symptoms? what triggers it?
The symptoms of anxiety can be so extreme it can affect a person mentally and physically. Symptoms like racing heart, rapid breathing, breathlessness, the feeling of panic, excessive and undue worrying. It varies in degree and severity.
Being in this frame of mind also causes intense self-consciousness and undue feelings of shame and embarrassment, also the feeling of being judged or unaccepted.
These are just some of the emotions that a person who is suffering from anxiety are going through. A person could be standing right in from of you looking physically find completely together but are in fact experiencing this inner turmoil and you would never notice.
Its also extremely important to note that an individual who suffers from anxiety at any level do recognize that there fear is unreasonable or excessive but they cant just switch it off, it’s not in your control.its also not a deficit in social skills its an illness.
These facts are just a glimpse into this illness,
For anyone suffering from anxiety, there are different things you can do and practice that could be really helpful. Practicing yoga is a great way to de-stress, relax and just clear your mind. I always say exercise is the key to a healthy mind, I’m a big believer in that!
For anyone who finds themselves in a social environment and your anxiety is overwhelming iv research some tricks to help you cope and ease your anxiety.1. Focusing on your surroundings will help take the focus off yourself and this will help distract you from all the emotions going on inside.2.except that you’re anxious. recognize that your anxiety isn’t your reality.to realize that and be able to separate will help you cope better, I do know that’s easier said than done, but it can help.
You don’t need to change who you are
Dealing with my anxiety and finding my way around it, my goal was to never morphe into a different person, not to lose who I am. it’s an illness it’s not who you are, it’s not your personality.those who judge you for it you don’t need in your life its simple as that. You deserve to be happy and have a balanced life.
From everything iv experiences my response is always to research and gain knowledge and understanding.
This post came about from my frustrations at others ignorance, I hope you can take something positive from it, if you knew nothing about the topic before reading this I hope it opens your mind and made you think.
What I take from it…… always be a better person, never let yourself down, be true to who you are, love all of your flaws cause they’ve shaped the person you are, its made you stronger. life will bring different types of people into your life some good some not, these are the times you need to stay true to who you are….. when in doubt be kind. Life is short, be positive treat people with respect as equals. I’m proud of my flaws, I’m proud of my struggles, I’m proud of how strong I am and I’m thankful for the amazing friends & family iv been blessed with.
Thank you so much for checking out my blog, the title may not make sense to some but it felt right. I hope it helps, I hope it spreads awareness, I really appreciate you checking it out, please leave me comments and let me know what you think. If you would like blog updates please subscribe.XX Paula XX