Lifes a beautiful struggle ❤️
Hi all welcome back to my blog, I haven’t written a post like this in a while and to be honest, iv been avoiding writing this one.Its been swirling around my head these past few weeks giving me major anxiety at the thought of putting pen to paper but I know its something I need to do, it gets it out of my system and if it helps someone else that it’s definitely worth it to share.
There are times when something will happen that shakes your foundation, something that might seem small and insignificant in the grand scheme of things and to the outside world its a blip in the radar, but it turns your whole life on its head.I know a lot of people can relate to that.You can be in a place where you feel sure of your path and where you’re headed, you have all your ducks in a row and its like when someone flips the board game in the air and all the little pieces go everywhere and your scrambling to find them and put them back were you think they go.The positive is when you realize you will put the pieces back and that’s a powerful feeling.
Who am I?…… Its a question I ask myself a lot, it keeps me grounded until I cant answer it.when its questioned. Being able in these moments to step back, disconnect and find it again is really important. That moment alone is indescribable, I’m not gonna sugar coat it. that moment when you have to hit the off switch and regroup is like going into battle mentally and physically but its necessary.Its how you take back control and go forward to stand taller than you did before.
The hardest part of the process is being positive true the anxiety that comes hand in hand with hitting the ground unfortunately for me.
It’s so easy to just see and feel the negative and build it in your mind into something that can be debilitating to you and you can just drown in that. it’s how your mind tends to work against you when in a way you’re trying to find your worth.For me, I depend a lot on exercise to clear my mind. working out and running every day is essential for me it makes such a difference in how I feel and think.when you’re focusing on the negative you cant see the amazing people around you, its when you come back up for air and you’ve managed to start floating again you see the people who have been cheering you on this whole time it makes taking those last steps so much easier.
I’m very blessed with the people that surround me and support me, I’m also blessed with the tools to rescue myself.No one person can pull you up really, support is amazing and id be lost without it but at the end of the day you have the control and when your strong enough you can do it.
Thank you so much for checking out my blog, I hope it translates it might sound a little muddled but its just how I make sense of it.What I hope people take from it is to go forward, always, you might not get there fast and sometimes you need to take a breath but always go forward cause you’ll be stronger than before and you’ll stand taller you ever did. XX Paula XX